Aicook electric tea kettle review and a great GIMP tutorial YouTube channel – Nurture & Support 182

This week Mel returns to Amazon and Kelly FINALLY learns GIMP (sorta)

Mel’s recommendation:  Aicook Electric Kettle

After years of irresponsible tea brewing, Mel picked up an electric kettle with presets for the best temperature to brew green tea, white tea, Oolong tea, black tea, and coffee.  She has really noticed the difference in flavor, and outside of missing the cool blue LED light on her old kettle, she has been very satisfied.




Kelly’s recommendation:  Logos by Nick YouTube channel

After years of irresponsible editing, Kelly is FINALLY moving on from his Paint Shop Pro (version 6) graphics tool to one released in this decade… GIMP.  Nick’s channel has both GIMP and Inkscape tutorials that are easy to follow and well constructed.  Nick also has a website with even more helpful content.  Here are a couple of logos he did using Nick’s tutorials…

This episode is also available on YouTube

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