Fun facts on Ghostbusters video games and other things (Squat Cobbler 150)

Mike and I cover all sorts of interesting Ghostbusters trivia in addition to a couple of cool arcade/video games. Be sure to check these videos out as well: Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs – 2012 (Full Documentary) How did Ghostbusters know your bank account balance?! The Bog Panda YouTube Channel. Thanks for watching!  Kelly (@kellythul) and Dr. Mike (@officialpagan) (Squat Cobbler 150)

Nurture & Support 178: The Outer Worlds, LED lighting, and Blackbeard’s Ghost Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSSDr. Mike joins Mel and I again for this round of recommendations. Due to technical issues and me forgetting to record parts of the show, sound quality and continuity get a little choppy here and there.  Also, for the record, I am not glad Dean Jones is dead. Mel’s recommendation: The Outer Worlds (video game) This game is from the creators of the early Fallout game series. The Outer Worlds contains much of the same spirit and vibe as Fallout… but … Continue reading

Want to hang out with Gerald Webb?

Want to hang out with Gerald Webb? Well, you can at 9PM Eastern, 8PM Central, 6PM Pacific this Wednesday, May 13. We will be watching Gerald’s directorial debut in “$TACK$”.  $TACK$ is a nail biting dramatic short film (7 min 26 seconds) dripping with social commentary on our post Covid-19 world. Bog Panda is honored to host and have Gerald join Mike and I via “watch party” software available on  Kosmi requires no account, no download, and can be accessed via desktop, laptop, tablet or phone (both Android and iOS). To join us, just click on this link: The … Continue reading

Squat Cobbler 105: El Camino Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSS  Tangent Tally: 6 This week Dr. Mike and I discuss “El Camino – A Breaking Bad Movie”.  We also reveal we are MAJOR Krysten Ritter fans. I briefly explain the metric system and Mike feebly tries to hide his great affection for “Sex in the City”. Spoiler: It takes us about 25 minutes until we actually talk El Camino.  Sorry.     Want to subscribe to the Nurture and Support podcast, which is also home to the Squat Cobbler podcast?? … Continue reading

Squat Cobbler 103: Our Summer Vacation news!! Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSSThis week Mike and I discuss the impending availability of a DVD version of “Our Summer Vacation“.  You know, that thing we did that was #1 on some Amazon charts. We also discuss the possibility of a Halloween special.  More to come. Want to subscribe to the Nurture and Support podcast, which is also home to the Squat Cobbler podcast?? Our feed –, iTunes – Nurture and Support, Stitcher, Google Play and Kelly’s YouTube Channel. Thanks for listening!  Kelly (@kellythul) and … Continue reading

Squat Cobbler 97: Poster Duel Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSSTangent Tally: 1 Another recommendation show this week gang…. Mike: A high quality, reasonably priced site to secure… yes… movie posters.  An example of a recent purchase by Mike: Kelly: Duel (movie, 1971) A movie that remarkably parallels Squat Cobbler as well as being a great thriller.  Here it is in all of its free glory Mike also found this truly Monty Pythonesque movie poster for Duel on his recommendation… Social Media recommendations: Mike: Nikki Bilderback (in a sad … Continue reading

Squat Cobbler 91: Nikki Bilderback and Staged Killer live tweet… and *sigh* Gerald Webb Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSS This week we recap the Staged Killer (available on Netflix) live tweet and are joined by Nikki Bilderback and Gerald Webb. This is a very fun conversation and you really should listen.  You’ll get some extremely cool insights into the making of Staged Killer and Mike (as usual) lies a lot. Reminder, Rebekah Kennedy (and Nikki) STILL like me more than Mike. Want to subscribe to the Nurture and Support podcast, which is also home to the Squat Cobbler podcast?? … Continue reading

Squat Cobbler 90: More on the Staged Killer live tweet Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSS Gerald Webb, joins us this week to talk more about the live tweet we are having for his new movie on Netflix “Staged Killer” (trailer) – directed by Christopher Ray. There was some question if it was going to be actually available on Netflix at the time of this recording, but GOOD NEWS, it is and we are still set to do this Saturday!! So, on Saturday June 29 at 9PM Eastern, 8pm Central, 6PM Pacific we will be live … Continue reading

Squat Cobbler 89: Staged Killer Live Tweet Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSS Our good friend, Gerald Webb, has a new movie being released on Netflix June 25 called “Staged Killer” (trailer) – directed by Christopher Ray. Gerald, understanding the power of the Squat Cobbler Bump, asked if we would help coordinate a live tweet of the movie with the Snarkalec gang and others. Of course we would! So, on Saturday June 29 at 9PM Eastern, 8pm Central, 6PM Pacific we will be live tweeting this and Gerald will join us along with … Continue reading

Squat Cobbler 84: Spoilers Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSS Tangent Tally: 0!! This week Mike and I discuss spoilers. Endgame, Game of Thrones, Dexter, and Walking Dead all come up.  Usually in a non-spoilery kind of way. Please go to for links to subscribe via Apple Podacasts, Android, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, email or RSS.  Also please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel