N&S- Ep. 162 – The Sogmaster

We’re BACK!! Well, sorta. If Mel’s internet holds up. We’ll see. No guarantees. 


Mel’s Rec: 

YouTube: The Crafsman SteadyCraftin

  • The most positive and cool Crafting channel you will find on YouTube


Kelly’s Rec:

Apps: Cash Show and HQ Trivia

  • These 2 trivia apps PAY you real money for answering trivia questions.
  • Cash Show is on hiatus until 2019 and HQ Trivia has suffered the loss of it’s CEO
  • Get ready for Cash Show on itunes or google
  • Get HQ Trivia on itunes or google


Dylan’s video for reference 



Mike’s Rec:

Album: Mayhem’s Grand Declaration of War Remastered

  • Despite what Mike told you, this is not Christian Folk Music.
  • Spotify Link



Social Media Corner:

Mel: In lieu of an actual social media account, I give you a video that made me laugh. 


Mike: @realDonaldTrump on Twitter (From Mel: Mike apparently just wants to hurt me, so I refuse to link to this account. I offer you an alternative below.)

  • @RealPressSecBot this account takes the tweets from the previous account and puts them on some official letterhead to make them the official press releases that they are.  So Fun.
  • If you would like to watch the commercial for the Pizza Sandwich:


Want to subscribe to the Nurture and Support podcast??   Our feed – http://nurtureandsupport.net/feed/podcast  iTunes – Nurture and Support, Stitcher, Google Play and Kelly’s YouTube Channel.  Thanks for listening! Mel (@karmic9) and Kelly (@kellythul) and Mike (@officialpagan)


Squat Cobbler 72: Top 5 Live Albums

This week Mike and Kelly run down their top five favorite live albums…


1. Appetite for Democracy – Gun’s N’ Roses

2. Still – Nine Inch Nails

3. Live – Alice in Chains

4. Live Bootleg – Aerosmith

5 . Living in Clip – Ani Difranco


Kelly (true Alice Cooper fan)

1. Waiting For Columbus – Little Feat

2. Alice Cooper – Fistful of Alice

3. Peter Gabriel – Peter Gabriel Play Live

4. Big World – Joe Jackson

5. Welcome to the Club – Ian Hunter

Squat Cobbler 71: Ian Hunter – Welcome to the Club (album review)

My prison is your brain, your prisoner’s insane

This week Mike and Kelly discuss Kelly’s recommendation – Ian Hunter’s “Welcome to the Club”.  This is a wonderful live album featuring the incomparable Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson’s amazing guitar work.

As mentioned in the podcast, Kelly had assemble a playlist to fully recreate the actual album experience via YouTube, it can be found here.

Mike and Kelly both loved the screaming lady on this track, so we had to include it…

Lastly, the lyrical awesomeness of “Bastard” (album track)


Squat Cobbler 70: Type O Negative – October Rust (album review)

“I”ll do anything…”

This week Mike and Kelly discuss an album recommendation from Mike – Type O Negative’s “October Rust”.  While a bit of a departure from their typical music, this is a very enjoyable album.  As per usual, Mike and Kelly go through the album track by track and share their thoughts.

As promised, here is Mike’s Grandmother’s favorite track… (honestly)


As also promised…

Squat Cobbler 68+1: The episode we chose not to name

Had we named it, it would have been related to the Sea-man talk at the end of the episode.

This week we return to recommendations…

Mike – Podcast: Video Palace

Available on Shudder and Apple Podcasts, “Video Place” is a podcast about a podcast seeking out rare VHS tapes.  So meta. Episodes run around 20 minutes each and are some really great retro/mystery fun.

Kelly – Documentary: Power of Grayskull: The Definitive History of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2017)

Available on Netflix, “Power of Grayskull: The Definitive History of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2017)” tells they tale of the brief merchandising juggernaut-y run of He Man.  The comic, various different action figures series, and toy company drama are also covered.

At the end of the episode, we are predictably immature when we discuss Mer-man’s first proposed name… Sea-man

Squat Cobbler 68: Deep Watch – Endless Fragments of Time (album / EP review)

This week Mike and Kelly discuss the album/EP by Deep Watch, “Endless Fragments of Time”.  This work has had its share of controversy given its somewhat sketchy debut on Spotify.  You be the judge.



Squat Cobbler 67: Billion Dollar Babies – Battle Axe (album review)

“It’s bigger than King Kong”

Thanks to a suggestion from our listener Mick, this week Mike and Kelly discuss Battle Axe by Billion Dollar Babies.  When the original Alice Cooper group went there separate ways, three members of the band formed Billion Dollar Babies.  The concept for Battle Axe was to be the follow up for the the original group’s final collaboration, “Muscle of Love“.

While there are some moments, listening to this album (and Alice’s “Goes to Hell” and “Lace and Whiskey” outings that were also released around this time) point out how amazing the original group’s mixture of talent was.

It was a tough go for Billion Dollar Babies and there is little on the Internet about them.  Here is one of the best histories on the band and a few (rare) pics

Also, Kelly mentioned the somewhat shady live album of Battle Axe…


Squat Cobbler 66: Alice Cooper – A Paranormal Evening at the Olympia Paris (review)

I’m the bump on your head as you step on the rake

At “breakneck speed” Mike and Kelly review the latest Alice Cooper release, the live album “A Paranormal Evening at the Olympia Paris”.  Outside of song discussion you’ll learn of Kelly’s deep love for the French and the usual uncomfortable reveal of Mike’s inner passions.

In the review, Mike mentioned the cover might be a bit similar to the newest Prince release.  You be the judge…

Also, as promised, Zorro’s Ascent (sadly, not on this album)


Squat Cobbler 65: Captain Beefheart – Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) (review)

The little girl that named you years ago died now

This week Mike and Kelly review Kelly’s favorite Captain Beefheart album “Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller)”.  This album has all the things that make Beefheart truly unique, while somehow also being probably his most accessible work.

Here is the Price song that Mike said was reminiscent of “Bat Chain Puller”,  you be the judge…

Plus for your listening pleasure, the most awesome “Owed T’ Alex”


Squat Cobbler 64: Psychotica – Psychotica (review)

In space, no one’s ever there to hear you cry

Mike and Kelly review Mike’s favorite album by his favorite ban, the self-titled Psychotica.  Great lyrics, great music and a wide variety of song and vocal styles.  Plus you get the amazing Reeka adding in her unique vocals on a number of tracks.

In case you missed it since Mike and Kelly only mentioned it about 30 time in this podcast, Psychotica is heavily featured in one of their other projects (it might have been mentioned that this was #1 on Amazon for a bit)

IMDB entry