Squat Cobbler 8 – Squatconomy 101
http://media.blubrry.com/nurtureandsupport/p/www.nurtureandsupport.net/ns/SC8.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSSThis week Kelly keeps talking about Alice Cooper and Mike continues the Pokemon GO discussion. It is also the first time you will hear of a game that one day, WILL RULE THEM all… Squatiemon GO Details are sketchy, but our good friend Dylan from Dylan Knows fame will be a Squatiemon. First stage will be Holidill, which will evolve to Assisto. Kelly’s recommendation: www.votealicecooper.com If you write Alice Cooper in for the presidential election, Mike and Kelly are pretty sure … Continue reading